
Shelford Twinning Association


Film and Pancake Evening

Friday 24th February 2023

Great Shelford Free Church Hall

7.30 – 10.30pm (approx)

£7.00 per person

Delicious pancakes!

Drinks available (donations for drinks appreciated)

followed by

A French film with English subtitles

Shown on a large screen with excellent sound system

If you’d like to know the title of the film, please contact Penny

 There will also be a raffle at the event.

For catering purposes, we need to have an idea of numbers so please let us know that you are coming, and how many of you. Please let us know any dietary restrictions – gluten-free pancakes available

Please contact Penny as soon as possible, but definitely by Wednesday 22nd February:

by email – [email protected]

by telephone – 01223 842483; mobile – 07783 190104

We really look forward to seeing you!