We are really looking forward to recommencing our group exchange visits to Verneuil in 2023 – especially as we will be celebrating the 35th anniversary of the signing of the Twinning Charter between Verneuil-en-Halatte and the Shelfords.

The dates for our next group visit to Verneuil-en-Halatte are as follows: Thursday June 1st until Sunday June 4th 2023.

We have provisionally booked a 49 seater coach through MilKen Travel. We hope to be able to leave the Shelfords approx 9.00am and we are due to arrive in Verneuil-en-Halatte 17h00 to be met by our host families.

Usually, we spend the Saturday evening and Sunday with our hosts. They have always been so welcoming and kind to us in the past and those from the Shelfords who have participated in these exchange visits have many positive stories to tell (ref: the stories under the label ‘Recent Visits‘ on our website).

As we are in the middle of a cost of living crisis, we have decided to keep the cost of travel at the same prices as that of 2019, even though the cost of the transport has significantly increased, in the hope that we will be able to attract participants from all generations. The cost for each participating adult is £95* and for each child it will be £75*.

Nore information will be added in the coming months so … watch this space !!

If you are interested in joining us on our visit to Verneuil-en-Halatte in 2023, please email Sarah Haddow , who will be liaising with our counterparts in France, by Friday 24th March. for further information and access to Sarah’s recent letter to those on our email list, please visit ‘Verneuil 2023‘.

* Please note that it is a requirement for all travelling adults to be members of the Shelford Twinning Association. If you are not already a member, you will need to join at the time of booking (£10 single membership/£15 family). This is to avoid any possibility of falling foul of legislation which would deem us to be acting like a travel agent and, therefore, illegally. The only other expenses would be a small gift for the host family, a little pocket money and your travel insurance for the four days of the visit.