
Visit Verneuil-en-Halatte 24-27 May 2025

We are really looking forward to our next group exchange visit to Verneuil in 2025 – especially as we will be celebrating the 37th anniversary of the signing of the Twinning Charter between Verneuil-en-Halatte and the Shelfords.

When is the visit?
The dates for our next group visit to Verneuil-en-Halatte are as follows: Saturday 24th May – Tueday 27th May 2025. We have provisionally booked a 49 seater coach. We hope to be able to leave the Shelfords approx 9.00am and we are due to arrive in Verneuil-en-Halatte 17h30 to be met by our host families.

Open to everyone …
The visit to Verneuil-en-Halatte is open to everyone of all ages: single adults, couples, family groups and teenagers. All we ask is that primary aged children are accompanied by a parent, grandparent or approved guardian.

What are the benefits of the visit?
You get to see a lovely part of France. Verneuil en Halatte is a village of a similar size to Great Shelford, surrounded by the Halatte forest and some beautiful open countryside. It is just north of Paris and is close to some interesting towns : Chantilly, Compiègne, Pierrefonds and Senlis, with its beautiful medieval architecture.

It is an opportunity to experience life with a French family and develop friendships with those of a different culture and language. Most families speak some English and are happy to do so but are delighted if you are prepared to have a go at their language. New friendships are forged with your hosts and others whom you meet in the village … they are a very welcoming and homely group. Visits, entertainment – as well as food and wine – provide for an excellent experience.

If you have children, you have a wonderful opportunity to spend time with them, away from the busyness of home as well as helping to broaden their experience.

Travel to/from Verneuil is by executive coach via the Ferry from Dover

.Usually, we spend the Saturday evening and Sunday with our hosts. They have always been so welcoming and kind to us in the past and those from the Shelfords who have participated in these exchange visits have many positive stories to tell (ref: the stories under the label ‘Recent visits‘ on our website).

What is the cost?
As we are in the middle of a cost of living crisis, we have decided to keep the cost of travel at the same prices as that of 2019, even though the cost of the transport has significantly increased, in the hope that we will be able to attract participants from all generations. The cost for each participating adult is £115* and for each child it will be £90*.

* All travelling adults are expected to become members of the Twinning Association if they are not members already (£10 single membership /£15 family membership) otherwise we may fall foul of legislation which would deem us to be acting like a travel agent and, therefore, illegally. The only other expenses would be a small gift for the host family, a little pocket money and your travel insurance for the four days.

Any extra expenditure?
All travel and trips are included in the cost of the visit. As you will be staying with a family, your only other expenses would be a small gift for the host family, a little pocket money and your travel insurance for the four days.

I’m interested! What is the next step?
If you think that this is something you would enjoy, please email Sarah Haddow, who will be liaising with our counterparts in France, to register your interest. You will then be sent the relevant information and a more detailed form to fill in so that we can match you with a suitable family in France.

Throughout the year, we offer a range of events – illustrated talks, wine-tasting, quiz evenings – to name but a few. Please visit our website for further information:

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