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Shelford Twinning Association
How to become a member

The Shelford Twinning Association is keen to welcome new members. You do not have to live in the Shelfords.

Family visits are arranged annually in each direction. Do not worry if you cannot speak French. Although it’s obviously helpful to have a minimum knowledge, it is by no means essential; many of the French speak English, and every effort is always made to accommodate non-French speakers with an English speaking family.

Newsletters are published regularly with information on recent and forthcoming social events.

Annual subscription rates are low – £10 single membership; £15 family membership. (Please note that in order to participate in the Twinning visits to Verneuil-en-Halatte, one would need to be a member of Shelford Twinning Association for that year as this is a legal requirement.)

A membership application form can be downloaded from the following link: STA membership application form

For more information, contact the Membership Secretary.