Welcome to Shelford Twinning Association

We are twinned with Verneuil-en-Halatte in the département de l’Oise
which is in the région de Picardy north of Paris.


Why engage with ‘Twinning’ you may ask … well, here are a few reasons why we at Shelford Twinning Association meet on a regular basis with our counterparts from Verneuil-en-Halatte …

Cultural exchange

One of the most rewarding aspects of twinning is the opportunity to learn about and experience another culture first-hand. By joining a twinning association, you’ll have the chance to meet people from a different country and learn about their traditions, customs, and way of life.

Language practice

If you’re learning a foreign language, what better way to practice than by immersing yourself in a community where it’s spoken? By joining a twinning association, you’ll have the chance to converse with native speakers and improve your language skills in a fun and informal setting.


Twinning associations foster strong bonds of friendship between people from different countries. You’ll have the opportunity to make new friends and build lasting relationships with people from another culture.

Personal growth

Participating in a twinning association can be a deeply enriching and rewarding experience. By stepping out of your comfort zone and learning about another culture, you’ll gain a new perspective on the world and grow as a person.

Community involvement

Twinning associations are a great way to get involved in your local community and make a positive impact. By working together with people from another country, you can help promote understanding and harmony between cultures.

Shelford Twinning Association exists to foster friendship and understanding, as well as to promote cultural links, between the people of Great and Little Shelford in Cambridgeshire and Verneuil-en-Halatte which lies in the l’Oise département in the beautiful Picardy region to the north of Paris.

Great and Little Shelford were officially twinned with Verneuil-en-Halatte in September 1988. In 2023, when we visit Verneuil, it will be the 35th anniversary of the signing of the twinning charter. The official Twinning Charters were signed in France September 1988 and in Shelford 1989.

The Association leads a busy life with a number of regular activities during the year. The twinning visits are the highlight of the year, but we also arrange social events for members and friends of the twinning association such as quiz evenings, wine tasting, film evenings, illustrated talks about things pertaining to France and a French style breakfast as well as participating in the Great Shelford Feast and Little Shelford Fun Day.

Shelford Twinningh Association logo

So why wait? If you’re interested in cultural exchange, language practice, friendship, personal growth, or community involvement, joining a twinning association is a fantastic opportunity. Don’t miss out on the chance to broaden your horizons and make a positive difference in the world!