30th Anniversary Twinning Visit
Shelford to Verneuil
7th – 10th April 2018

The official celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of the signing of the twinning charter in Verneuil-en-Halatte was held on Sunday 8 April at Salomon de Brosse, a historic building sited in a small park with a lake in the middle around which runs a path, ‘Allée Shelford’ named on a previous anniversary.

The ‘Bridge of Friendship’, newly refurbished by local workers, was opened with due pomp by the mayor, Christian Massaux, flanked by Colin Jefferson (left) and Richard Patterson (right). The cutting of the tape was followed by speeches and the singing of both national anthems.

Bridge of Friendship
Bridge of Friendship
Pont de l'Amitié
Pont de l’Amitié

Once the speeches were ended, the tape cut by the Mayor of Verneuil allowing access across the bridge, a plaque was unveiled to celebrate 30 years of twinning. Everyone filed across the bridge and walked around the lake to the hall to continue the festivities.

Pont de l'Amitié
Pont de l’Amitié

The celebrations continued in the hall at Salomon de Brosse with a ‘pot d’amitié’ of kir or wine, with nibbles followed by an excellent dinner of starter (charcuterie, pate, salads, savoury cake), beef casserole, cheese, and celebration cakes – and what cakes … so delcious … cakes to die for!! They tasted as good as they looked.
We were entertained during the afternoon by ‘Les Mecs’ – a jazz trio. Hervé can be seen seated at the keyboard behind the cakes.

We had a very busy weekend. As well as the celebrations at Salomon de Brosse, we were able to spend time with our host families enjoying a day out in the region with them.

Our twinning counterparts had also arranged numerous interesting visits which included le Musée de la Grande Guerre in Meaux, a visit to a cheese factory – Brie de Meaux, a guided tour of Chantilly … admiring its vast gardens of canals, waterfalls and foutains, an exhibition Verneuil au fil du temps which was mounted by the local history society ‘Les Amis de Vieux Verneuil’.